Here is a (very) rough cut of a presentation (slides+audio) I gave on April 23, 2019, at the ARMA Houston Spring Conference titled "Trends in Information Governance 2018-2019." Here is a pdf copy of my slides as well as an Excel spreadsheet with a list of headlines from my blog (, which discusses headlines from The Wall Street Journal that involve the intersection of information, governance, and compliance. The slide + audio version is about 1 hour and 17 minutes and will run on an iPhone. This is similar to the keynote webinar that I did for Iron Mountain's 2019 Education Series in February, which is linked here.
This is a presentation (slides + audio) titled, "Headlines: A Year's Worth of Information Governance Failures," at the 2018 ARMA Spring Conference in Houston on April 25, 2018. Here is a pdf copy of the slides, and a chronological listing of the headlines. The slide + audio version (which is about an hour and 15 minutes) will run on an iPhone.
Here is a presentation I gave on May 24, 2017, to the Houston ARMA chapter. The title of the presentation is "Duty," and it discusses the duty an employee has to comply with company policies and procedures, and how this can be used to increase support for a company's records management initiatives. The presentation, which includes slides and audio, runs about 30 minutes. It is an MP4 file, done with Camtasia.
Here is a rough cut of a presentation I gave at the ARMA Spring Conference in Houston on April 25, 2017, on Information Governance. This runs about 46 minutes and is done with an old version of Camtasia. It is an MP4 file. Here's a slightly shorter version that I did for the ARMA Chapter in Tulsa in September 2017, titled "Information Governance: Engaging Your Natural Allies." It runs about 30 minutes. The slides are here.
This is a presentation for the Houston Association of Litigation Support Managers on June 19, 2013, titled "An Information Governance Perspective on the EDRM." This is done in Articulate (it runs about 22 minutes), or you can just view the slides. Here's a version in a different format if the first one doesn't run on your computer (it runs about 24 minutes).
Here's an article from the October 1, 2011, issue of Law Technology News on how to establish a business case for more robust information management.
Here is a 2008 article for Ark Publications titled "New Problems Require New Solutions." This provides a good primer on my thoughts on the topic and has stood the test of time.
Here is a December 2010 presentation to the IQPC Knowledge and Information Management for Oil & Gas conference in Houston, titled "Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Compliance." This is in Flash format, done on Articulate software, and runs about 26 minutes.
Here is a November 2010 presentation titled "Various Dimensions of the Management of Information," for the Texas CPA meeting. This is a PDF file.
Here's a presentation titled "Different Views of Records Management and ESI," at LegalTech in New York in February 2008. I've worked a lot with records management consultants and litigation attorneys in this space, and one thing I've learned is that a consultant needs a unique model. Here's mine. As you go through the slides, you'll get my point.
Here is a presentation that I gave at the WRG conference in Houston on September 28, 2010, titled "Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Knowledge Management Initiatives." Again, in Flash format, and it runs about 25 minutes.
Articles & Presentations
Here's the keynote address I gave at the Masters Conference for Legal Professionals in Houston on August 16, 2011, titled "Spanning the E-Discovery Divide." This is done with Articulate, in Flash (that means it won't run in a Mac environment), and runs about 35 minutes.
I am in the process of adding more of my articles and presentations. Watch this space.